By all accounts, Todos Santos boasts an obscene amount of photogenic sights — especially for such a tiny town. Somehow, La Bohemia, a pequeno hotelito set a few blocks away from the historic district, still manages to stand out. Perhaps it’s the whitewashed adobe casitas decorated with brightly embroidered Otomi fabric, or the pool lined with hand-painted tiles in the courtyard, or the fact that tiny yellow butterflies follow you every time you walk down the succulent-lined garden paths that wind around the property.
However, not just La Bohemia’s kaleidoscope of prints and plants had us wishing we could stay a little longer than the few days we had planned. Erin and Andy, the hotel’s owners, are among the sweetest people we met over the three weeks we stayed in Baja California Sur. When it was time to say goodbye, we felt like we were leaving behind old friends —, which, really, is always the best way to leave a place.
All the rooms are gorgeous but we recommend staying in one of the deluxe casitas — so super lovely. Though most of the time the town of la bohemia Todos Santos is very quiet, you might want to bring earplugs; at night the neighborhood dogs run rampant through the streets barking and howling.
Some Hotel Near La Bohemia To Stay
There are lots of other hotels where you can stay. In the hotel la bohemia todos santos, people who often visit this hotel very much impressed by all the aspects of the hotel. However, there are few of other hotels except la bohemia for staying. Now I will discuss about those hotel, which are very near to la bohemia, restaurant come hotel.
1. Posada La Poza, Mexico:

It is one of the closest hotels of la bohemia. It is like a banquet restaurant and everything within this hotel beautifully decorated. One can see the bar on one side and on the other side the whale deck. For more attraction, there are swimming pool, saltwater spa, desert garden and bird watching. If you compare with la bohemia todos santos then this hotel have the similar things that the hotel has.
2. Hacienda Todos Los Santos, Mexico:

This hotel is the closest hotel of la bohemia. In the Mexico City, you can see varieties of hotel with different types of prices. La bohemia todos santos font side is just awesome to see. Likewise, hacienda hotel has much eye-catching attraction. A vast section of people comes here to stay and want to experience some outstanding moments. This hotel is just 0.3km away from the hotel, la bohemia tados Santos.
3. Hotel Miramar, Mexico:

The perfect time to visit this is between the months of June to August. People who are more often visiting Mexico surely know this hotel’s name. La bohemia todos santos winery hotel is one of the most luxurious hotels in Mexico. Here within this restaurant come hotel, you will see many handcrafted things, which are amazing to look.
4. Hotel Casa Tota, Mexico:

In the downtown of tados Santos, you will find this hotel casa tota. It is more than a restaurant than hotel. One can get the best Mexican foods from this hotel. Whoever comes here to spend their vacation will get all the uber friendly services from this hotel.
5. Villa Bugambilias, Mexico:
Within this hotel, you will see ten set of villas and a beautiful garden. From the rooms of this hotel, you can see the sea beach. The hotel also offers the services like la bohemia todos santos descargar provides. The interior design will surely catch your all attention towards it. The services from the hotel authorities are very nice and the foods of this very delicious.
6. Tados Santos Inn, Mexico:

This is the only historic hacienda hotel of Mexico. Inside of the one, can the art galleries and buildings that in style of 1870s time. The bars are like small rooms and all the delicious foods are available without Wednesday. The la bohemia todos santos chords are another things to watch. People love to spend time here with their family, friends or partners.